Wednesday, July 06, 2005

7/7/06....the prequal

Today is July 6th, 2005. One year from right now I'm going to be attempting to get some sleep (and by attempting I mean not getting any at all). Why is that? Because one year from right now will be the night before the big day, that day that all mothers dream about and fathers cry at the thought of... my wedding. To break the situation down for you simply would go something like this. (1)I have 365 days until I marry my best friend and the man of my dreams. No it's not some weird illegal reversed mormon ceremony, my best friend and the man of my dreams just happen to be the same man (what are the chances?). (2) I currently live in the traffic pit our nation likes to call its Capital a.k.a "murder central" and my fiancee is about to move to Denver Colorado to begin his graduate degree. (Thats where the 1700 miles come into play) (3) Our wedding will be in Louisiana, where our parents, family and friends reside; not to mention the Church where we met and became best friends. (4) I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember and I'm determined to drop 35 pounds before I try a dress on. (5) Last but definitely not least, I'm finishing up my last year of Graduate School which involves insane amounts of work and just for fun comprehensive exams in my last semester (just around the time when all the fun wedding chaos sets in).

Needless to say it's going to be one heck of a year and I just couldn't let it go by without a record of my psychosis. Who knows it might make me famous when all is said and done
... that or give me an alibi.


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