Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Curls in the making

Why is it that I want curly hair? I'm not talking about frizzy kinky, unruly hair. I want the flowy silky soft curl look. Who doesnt Amy? Anyway, needless to say I'm sitting here with my hair in braids again, letting it dry. I say again because I tried this strategy the other day only I put it in 5 million tiny braids and slept on it. The result sent me doubled over in laughter. A frizzball of hair and kinky curls that looked like I had taken a morning jog to the 80's and let that horrible pink and purple krimp iron that I had when I was 12 go crazy in my hair. Thank God it was a humid day and the soft halo of fuzz around my head could be easily justified.

I've had a good day so far, eating well (following the new diet) excersize, and a great conversation with my honey...all before noon. One guilty confession though...
Yesterday the girls and I were talking about relationships and how even the seemingly Catholic ones can fall prey to infidelity. I know the type of man Duston is and I dont believe its possible of him but I'm also not stupid enough to fall into the pride of thinking that anyone is beyond that totally. I know that I trust him though. I mean two of the people he's become friends with at this festival are girls, pretty ones at that. Pretty, classical musician, fun girls. The other night he hung out with just the two of them and Mr. Samuel Adams of course...and I didnt have one jealous feeling to speak of.

This morning however, talking to him about the conversations I had with the girls yesterday made me think twice about these girls, who I know very little about. He sent me the link to one of their blogs the other day so I looked it up and read back a few entries...barely a mention of him. I knew it all along :) She also had a link to the other ones site who had no mention what so ever of him on it...

Whats wrong with these girls anyway...don't they know a great guy when they see one! I mean, they'd be lucky to have a guy like him....

I kill me..


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